COVID-19 Disclaimer
Each product you see in Glitty Gang Collective’s catalog is made on-demand—once you place an order, we produce it specifically for you. While we're happy ecommerce is booming, it doesn't come without its struggles. Shipping carriers in North America are tackling the large number of incoming orders, and millions of shipments are stuck in distribution centers, leading to industry-wide shipping delays and your orders being late.
Note that the tracking links take longer than usual to update. The overload of shipments in distribution centers means carriers are slower to register and ship your orders. Sometimes the tracking info won't change for over a week until the item is scanned, or even up to the point of delivery. For example, we have orders that were handed over to a carrier on February 3, but were scanned by them only on February 10. Know that your orders aren't lost—they're still being processed by the carriers.
We're doing our best to get your orders out on time, but during these unprecedented times delays can happen. We work with production partners and shipping carriers who are seeing industry-wide disruptions because of the impacts of Covid-19.
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